It’s the time of year when mosquitoes are prevalent and the threat of the West Nile Virus is real. There are about 770 species of mosquitoes and 150 of those are known to carry the virus. In the United States, the Cluex species is the main carrier and they could be in your backyard.
In May 2023, KOCO News reported that two known mosquito pools have already tested positive for the West Nile Virus in Oklahoma County!
What is a mosquito pool?
A mosquito pool is a grouping of 1 to 50 mosquitoes that have been trapped usually by using dry ice to attract them and a small fan that sucks them into a bag. They are then sorted by species. Once sorting is complete, they are ground up and tested for the West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, among others.

How Do You Become Infected
To become infected with the West Nile Virus
- You must be bitten by a mosquito that carries the virus. You can not get it person to person or by being around mosquitoes.
- Pregnant women if infected, can transfer the virus to the fetus
- Blood transfusions – while this is rare, there are a few documented cases
Don’t Panic
While it’s important to be aware of the West Nile Virus, it’s also important not to panic. Per the CDC, of every 500 mosquitoes you see, only one will be infected. Most people who become infected won’t show any symptoms or even know they have it.
Only 20% will ever have any symptoms and one in 300 will become ill. For most of us, our immune systems will be able to take care of the virus.

How do you know if you are infected?
You may not know right away that you are infected. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for symptoms to show. So, if you find yourself bitten, and have symptoms within the window, you may wish to keep an open mind.
Here are some West Nile symptoms to look for:
- headache
- body ache
- joint pain
- vomiting
- diaherra
- rash
Whose at risk?
For most of us, our bodies can ward off the virus, but for others, it’s extremely dangerous. If not treated, it can attack our nervous system and even cause death. Those at high risk are:
- over 60 (the elderly)
- compromised immune systems
- pregnant women (it can be transferred to the fetus)

If you or someone you love falls into one of the high-risk categories, it doesn’t mean you should stay inside all summer long with the doors and windows shut. That wouldn’t be healthy. Instead, pay attention to any new outbreaks in your area and take some precautions.
Precautions against the West Nile Virus
There are many precautions you should take if you’re at high risk for the West Nile Virus. The first is to remove mosquito attractants from your yard.
Mosquitoes lay around 100 eggs every 10 days! That’s a lot of mosquitoes and can get out of hand very quickly if not taken care of immediately. To make matters worse, they’re not like a bee that stings once and dies. The same mosquito can bite over and over again. It goes without saying that you want to get them before they lay their eggs.

They find places as large as lakes and pools to puddles and low-lying spots in our yards. So the first course of action is to clean your yard of all unnecessary water. This includes
- your pet’s water dish
- bird baths
- filling low-lying areas
- check for leaky faucets
- clean gutters so water doesn’t accumulate.
- keep a well-maintained pool

How to keep mosquitoes out of the pool
An unkept pool is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes so if you have a pool – maintain it. Mosquitoes can still lay eggs in a clean pool, so you may wish to take precautions and cover it when it’s not in use.
1. Pool Cover By Blue Wave
Blue Wave Pool Cover
- 20×40 ft (available in different sizes)
- Polyethylene
- Dark Navy
- 16 8ft water tubes needed
Keep in mind when using a pool cover, your pool may be mosquito free, but if water accumulates on the top, you may find that mosquitoes lay eggs on the cover. If this happens, wash the cover with Dawn soap to kill the larvae immediately.
Another way to repel mosquitoes from your yard is to hang some Spartans Mosquito Sticks. They come in packs of four and cover up to an acre.
2. Mosquito Sticks
Spartan Mosquito Sticks
- Four pack
- Kills mosquitoes that may carry West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Dengue Fever, St. Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, and Eastern equine encephalitis for up to 30 days
- Treats up to an acre
A few additional suggestions
Not only are mosquitoes attracted to unkept pools, but the same goes for yards. To keep mosquitoes away, you should make sure there is no debris or trash for them to hide. Make sure you mow consistently and clean up spills immediately.
You can also use mosquito-repellent plants such as marigolds, peppermint, and lavender.
For more information, on keeping mosquitoes away, click here.
When it comes to having a great summer, don’t let mosquitoes and the threat of the West Nile Virus scare you out of having fun. Instead, be alert to outbreaks in your area and take some of our precautions – get rid of unnecessary water, use a pool cover when you’re not using it, and keep your yard clean and well-maintained. Don’t let your yard be their breeding ground.