Raccoons certainly seem to have a knack for finding their way under your deck.
Your first step to finding a way to get rid of raccoons is to understand why they are there in the first place. To begin with, raccoons are naturally curious creatures, throw in their need for food and shelter, and the space under your deck starts to look awfully appealing.
Be Preventative
So what prevention measures should you take to make sure your deck stays clear? From installing deterrent devices around the perimeter to keeping lids on trash cans and sealing off access points – there are several ways you can keep raccoons away from your property permanently. In this article, I’ll provide some tips and advice on how best to get rid of raccoons under your deck once and for all.
Definition Of Raccoons
Raccoons are mammals native to the Americas and are identified by their distinctive black masks, bushy tails, agile paws, and long claws. They are dexterous enough to climb up a wood deck and burrow under it in search of food or shelter.
It is important to understand why raccoons may have taken up residence there before attempting to get rid of them. Understanding the definition and reasons for raccoon infestation will help when deciding how best to deal with them. In order to come up with an effective plan of action, one must first look into what attracts these animals in the first place.

Reasons For Raccoon Infestation
Raccoons are clever and crafty creatures, as they have been known, like possums and skunks, to find their way into homes in search of food and shelter. In particular, decks provide a great opportunity for raccoons to get under them and make a den. To understand why this happens, we must first look at the raccoon’s description.
Raccoons are omnivores that will eat almost anything – from nuts and fruits to insects and even small animals. They also possess an incredible sense of smell which allows them to locate food sources quickly.
This combination of intelligence, strength, and keen senses makes it relatively easy for raccoons to gain access underneath your deck if there is enough space between the ground and the bottom boards.
Additionally, if there is something inside, such as pet food or bird seed, then it can be very tempting for these little critters! So, it’s important to secure any openings with tight-fitting mesh so that you don’t end up with an unwelcome guest residing beneath your deck. With the right precautions taken, you should be able to keep those pesky critters out!
Identifying The Entry Point
The first step in getting rid of raccoons under a deck is to identify the entry point. This can be tricky, as these animals are crafty and often have multiple ways into an area. Look for signs such as worn-down areas on the foundation or around vents, chewed wood, and tracks or droppings near entrances.
Raccoon footprints are easily recognizable by their five long toes with no claw marks. If you’re still unsure, try using motion-activated cameras that will alert you when they enter the space. Once you’ve pinpointed where they’re coming from, it’s time to move on to prevention strategies to keep them away permanently.
Motion Detection Camera System
Blink Outdoor Motion Detection Camera
- Wireless battery-powered HD security camera
- Monitor your home day or night with infrared night vision.
- Runs up to two years on two AA lithium batteries (included).
- Built to withstand the elements
- Easy setup. No wiring, no professional installation required.
- Get motion detection alerts on your phone by using the app.
Prevention Strategies
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
This adage rings true when it comes to deterring raccoons from under decks or other structures in the home landscape. Taking preventative steps before the problem begins, such as removing attractants and sealing potential entry points, can go a long way toward keeping these pests away.
Raccoons are resourceful animals that will take advantage of any easy meal they can find near your home. To keep them out, remove bird feeders and pet food dishes at night, store garbage in sealed containers, trim back overhanging tree branches, and eliminate standing water sources like ponds or pools.
Additionally, seal any cracks or holes around foundations with hardware cloth or steel wool to block access for raccoons looking for shelter. By working together to make our homes less inviting to wildlife, we can all enjoy the outdoors without having unwanted critters move in!

Trapping And Releasing
Trapping and releasing a raccoon is one of the more humane means of removing raccoons from under your deck. One of the best types of traps to use to get rid of your unwanted guest(s) is a live cage trap, which comes in multiple sizes.
Safe Trap Animal Trap
This is basically a catch-and-release option, which we favor here at Backyard University. We have a few recommendations, and each comes with manufacturer-recommended instructions on use.
If you are at wit’s end, you can resort to a body-gripping trap, which, unfortunately, will kill the raccoon. We hope you only implement these as a last resort. Please check out a few of our suggestions below.
Here are some tips on how to use these traps appropriately:
- Bait the trap with something that raccoons find attractive, such as peanut butter or marshmallows.
- Place the traps near the den entrance during night hours when they’re likely to be active outside their habitat.
- Check the traps at least once every 24 hours so you don’t leave animals inside too long.
Once an animal has been caught, carefully transport it away from your property and release it into its natural environment–preferably far enough away that it won’t return. If done correctly, trapping can be an efficient way to get rid of a nuisance animal without having to resort to poisons or pesticides.
Poisons And Pesticides
Poisons and pesticides are not recommended as a way to get rid of raccoons under your deck. Not only is it inhumane, but it can also be dangerous for children and other animals that may come into contact with them. Plus, you could easily spread the poison around your home or even cause environmental contamination if these chemicals aren’t used properly. Instead, there are better ways to handle this situation that won’t involve putting poisons near your home.
Non-lethal traps provide an effective solution when dealing with raccoon infestations beneath decks. They allow you to trap the animal without any harm being done and relocate it somewhere else, far away from your property. This method provides peace of mind knowing that no one will be hurt while getting rid of the problem. Transitioning now to non-lethal traps…
Non-Lethal Traps
Having discussed the dangers and ineffectiveness of poisons and pesticides, it’s time to turn our attention to non-lethal traps. In order to get rid of raccoons under a deck without harming them, humane live traps are available, which can be used as an alternative. Live trapping is more expensive than using poison or pesticide treatments but offers effective results with minimal effort.
Live traps come in many sizes and styles, so it’s important that you select the right type for your particular problem. Before setting the trap, make sure to check local laws because there may be regulations governing where and how they can be deployed. If legal requirements are met, then one should place the trap near known signs of activity, such as tracks, scats, or food sources like gardens or compost piles.
When baiting the trap, use foods like canned fish, sardines, or sweet fruits. Once set, it is important to regularly check on the trap status since trapped animals must not remain confined for extended periods of time due to potential health risks from overheating or dehydration.
After catching a raccoon, remember to always relocate them at least 10 miles away from their capture site; otherwise, they will likely return soon after.
Now that we have covered how to safely remove raccoons from underneath the deck let us move on to cleaning up after removal…

Clean Up After Removal
Once you’ve got the raccoons from under your deck, your job is not done – yet. You’ll need to remove any mess they’ve made. To do the job right, be sure to wear a good pair of work gloves and a face mask (there are a lot of COVID N95 masks, so we suggest using one of them for optimum safety). Using a high-quality mask will help ensure that no hazardous particles are inhaled while cleaning.
Now it’s time to get rid of all traces of the raccoon infestation!
- Remove any insulation or materials damaged in the process. In addition, you may need to discard items such as food scraps, nesting material, and waste products left behind by the animals.
- Once everything has been cleaned out, sanitize the area with bleach or an environmentally-friendly cleaner like vinegar before replacing anything back into the space where it was found.
Through these steps, we can ensure our decks are safe for our families and us once again! With these tasks complete, let’s look at how we can keep them away in the future with long-term maintenance plans.
Long-Term Maintenance Plans
Keeping raccoons away from your property can be a daunting challenge, but with the right plan and maintenance, you can keep them out for good. To begin this process of long-term protection, it’s important to start with understanding their behavior and typical habitats. Raccoons are resourceful creatures who will take up residence wherever they find food, shelter, or warmth. The best way to prevent them from making your deck their home is by removing any potential sources of attraction in and around your yard.
The next step involves working closely with local wildlife authorities to ensure that you use humane methods of removal. It’s also wise to create physical barriers such as fencing or motion-activated lights or water sprays that discourage raccoon activity near your deck area.
Motion Actived Sprinkler
ABCO Tech Motion Sprinkler
- Humane Animal Deterrent
- Detects any motion within 30’ radius & 120° angle,
- Effective day/night.
- Programmed to shoot a water jet for only about 5 seconds upon detection of motion
- Customizable
Additionally, implementing regular cleanings and inspections of the surrounding grounds and eliminating trash cans nearby will help minimize the likelihood of raccoon infestations in the future. As an extra precautionary measure, consider using natural repellents such as coyote urine or cayenne pepper flakes around the perimeter, which may keep intruders at bay. By taking these steps now, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that pesky critters won’t find a place on your property again anytime soon!
Moving forward into working with local wildlife authorities is key for keeping unwanted visitors away from under your deck in the long run.
Working With Local Wildlife Authorities
It is important to remember that raccoons, like any other wild animal, are protected by law. If a family finds themselves in the situation of having them living under their deck, there are some steps they can take to safely remove and relocate these animals.
The first step is to contact your local wildlife authorities, who will be able to provide further guidance on dealing with this particular pest.
Be sure to explain the entire situation honestly and accurately, so they know how best to help you. Keep in mind that if relocating an animal is necessary, you must follow legally approved methods provided by the proper officials. It may also be helpful for families seeking assistance from these organizations to join forces with their neighbors in order for everyone affected by the issue to have a stronger voice when receiving aid or advice from wildlife experts. This type of unity not only helps draw attention to an otherwise isolated problem but also gives individuals a sense of community during such difficult times.
Raccoons are a nuisance to homeowners when they take up residence under decks and other areas. While it may seem like an impossible task, getting rid of these pesky critters is achievable with the right plan in place. Just like any puzzle, the key to success lies in identifying each piece and fitting them together properly.
The first step is to find out how the raccoons got there. Once you have identified their entry point, taking preventive measures such as blocking off access will go a long way towards keeping them away for good. You can use non-lethal traps but only if absolutely necessary.
Overall, dealing with raccoons requires diligence on the part of the homeowner; think of it as maintaining your own little rodent control system. Regular clean-up of sites where raccoons frequent and working with local wildlife authorities to ensure you are following humane practices will keep these furry bandits at bay over time. Like any successful project, tackling a raccoon problem takes hard work – but it doesn’t have to feel like herding cats!