When the weather gets warmer, it becomes easy to want to spend more and more time in the great outdoors – namely, our backyards. We love to attract wildlife – squirrels, birds, and even some insects like super-pollinating sweat bees. Other animals like possums and raccoons we want to keep out, along with insects such as fleas, chiggers, and wasps. However, more than anything, most of us want to keep nasty wasps out of our backyard, and wasp decoy nests are a popular way of doing this. However, do they actually work?
Wasp Decoys Nests
A wasp decoy works to deter wasps from building their nests in areas you don’t want them. They do this by playing on the wasp’s antisocial behavior when it comes to mingling with wasps in other colonies. They are too territorial to be close and tend not to build a nest within 200 feet of another colony. Therefore, by placing a wasp decoy in areas where you don’t want them, they will more likely build their nest somewhere else.
Another great reason you would want to place a wasp nest decoy – it is a completely organic way of deterring wasps from entering areas you don’t want. No harsh chemicals are needed.
These wasp nest decoys mimic the look of a real wasp nest. You can place them around your yard, garage, doors, garden, or anywhere you want to keep wasps away. It is a deterrent and a repellent but does not kill wasps.
1. Wasp Nest Decoy
Decoy Nests for Wasps
- By Honoson
- Cherry
- Repellent and Deterent
- 8 wasp nest decoys
- Includes wasp nest decoy, wire expander and string
- Waterproof
- wasp deterrents
- 7.9 inches (W) 10.6 inches (H)
- Hang under eaves, from trees, or anywhere you want to keep wasps away
Other ways to keep wasps away
There are some other ways to keep wasps at bay. Of course, you can buy a wasp spray, and it will kill them, but it can also make them angry and release pheromones, a type of chemical borderless to humans that warns other wasps of danger. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself with more than one wasp to deal with.
There are other natural ways to deter wasps. Just like plants attract certain animals and insects to your yard, they can deter them as well. Wasps don’t like the smell of herbs such as basil and mint, and planting geraniums and marigolds will brighten your garden and repel wasps.
You can remove their hive, but this is somewhat tricky. You want to choose a time when they are not active – usually in the early evening. Take a plastic bag and gently place it around the hive. Quickly seal the bag and cut the hive. Don’t stop there. The hive may be gone, and you don’t want another one taking its place. Use this time to hang a decoy wasp nest to ensure no other colony takes its place.
Wasps are no different than other pests you don’t want coming into your backyard – they smell food, especially food that has been left out. Don’t leave your watermelon rinds lying around the yard. Clean up. Take the trash out and put a tight lid on it.

Ways to keep wasps away
- Decoy Wasp Nests
- Wasp spray
- Plants – marigolds, geraniums, mint, basil
- Remove the hive
- Take out the trash
Can I block them out of the hive?
Whatever method you decide to deter wasps from coming into your yard, you don’t want to block the entrance into their colony. Doing so will make them angry – so angry that they’ve been known to find another way. They’ve been known to take drastic means, such as eating through walls and into homes. You don’t want to have angry wasps in your home around your kids.
Why don’t I want wasps in my yard?
Bees are great pollinators. They work steadily from flower to flower, and rarely do they bother you unless you bother them first. When you made a bee angry, it will sting, but a human’s skin is too tough. After it stings, the bee gets caught trying to get loose and rips its internal organs, causing it to bleed to death within minutes. Therefore, unless it’s the queen, a bee can only sting one time. On the other hand, while a wasp is in the bee family, their personality and stinger are different.

Wasps are much more aggressive than bees and will attack if you’re anywhere in their territory when they are active. Therefore, if you have a nest over your garage, on the outdoor patio, by your doors, under easements, or anywhere they make a nest, you can find yourself in danger of being stung. When they sting, it feels much like a bee. The difference is a wasp can sting you multiple times, causing more serious reactions. This why you’re going to want to get a decoy wasp nest to keep them away.
Symptoms of a wasp or bee sting
- Pain
- Swelling
- joint pain
- hives, rashes
- fever, headache
- death (if allergic)
A person can be allergic to a bee or a wasp sting, although the venom in each has a specific makeup.
- Bee venom contains Phospholipase A2 and melittin
- Wasp venom contains antigen 5
Once you know you are allergic to bees or wasps, your doctor may prescribe an EpiPen to carry with you in case of emergencies. Since the venom makeup is different in bees and wasps, the chances of you being allergic to both are low.
While annoying, most of the symptoms of a bee or wasp sting will go away with a Benedryl or Calamine lotion and will not need urgent care.
The revenge of the wasps
While it’s probably been in some horror movie somewhere, wasps are known for revenge. Not only are they bent on revenge, but they are able to remember your face. Keep this in mind the next time you come across a nest and swat at a few.
Wasps and bees are very different insects. They both pollinate, but wasps are much more aggressive than bees making them unwelcome guests. Instead of trying to get rid of them before they build their colony, there are some things you can do to prevent them. You can plant mint, basil, marigolds, and geraniums. Another great option is to place decoy wasp nests around areas you want wasp free. By doing this, you’ll have a better chance of not having to run the risk of being stung by these territorial insects.