Can You Eat Squirrel Year Round

I have to admit I can be somewhat of a city girl. I get my meat straight from a grocery store and have never had any desire to hunt or even fish. When my older sister met and married a man from the country, I got my first glimpse of an alternate life. My new brother-in-law made breakfast. I sat down, fork in hand, as he handed me a plate of eggs. They smelled strange, so I asked what was in them. “Squirrel brains and eggs,” he said proudly. Truly I almost lost it. How could anyone eat a squirrel?

I learned a lot during that visit. First, never let my brother-in-law make eggs. Second, a lot of people do eat squirrels. Their meat tastes like rabbit or chicken with a wild sidenote, and you can substitute it in any chicken recipe.

Scrambled eggs in a bowl
Scrambled eggs in a bowl

Is it safe to eat squirrels year round?

If you’re wondering – Can you eat squirrel year round? The answer is yes. Even though you can eat squirrels at any time of the year, you may need to be careful when the weather gets warmer and especially during the summer months. Since you will most likely be hunting, you should take precautions when handling a squirrel during warm temperatures. During this time, like any warm-blooded wild animal, squirrels are susceptible to fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Fortunately, you aren’t in any more danger than any other wild animal.

One of the biggest concerns with eating squirrels is roundworm, an intestinal parasite that will transfer from squirrel to person.

Of course, winter is the safest time to hunt squirrels because the parasites are low due to cool temperatures.

All in all, when eating squirrels, you should take any natural precaution you would with any other wild meat.

Squirrel Nutrition Facts

Squirrel meat is lean white meat. While it probably won’t find its place in grocery stores and most family dinners any time soon, it does have some huge benefits for those who choose it. Squirrel is packed in protein and is competitive with other meats.
Grams of Protein Comparison –
  • 1 oz Steak – 7 grams
  • 1 oz Chicken – 8 grams
  • 1 oz pork – 8 grams
  • 1 oz Squirrel – 6 grams
Not only do squirrels contain a lot of protein, but they are also filled with natural vitamins
  • niacin
  • B6
  • B12
  • iron
The downside to eating squirrel is that it is a high-cholesterol food source, so those of you wanting to eat heart-healthy may want to eat squirrel sparingly. 
squirrel looking scared
squirrel looking scared

What part of the squirrel can you eat?

You can eat virtually any part of a squirrel – shoulders, hind legs, and the backstraps. Some even fry the heart and liver. Just like you would a chicken, you can use the rib cage for stock which makes soups and stews rich and full of nutrients.
One part of the squirrel you should not eat is the brains. Some (like my brother-in-law) still choose to, but there have been reports both by the and of it causing a rare disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)  or mad cow disease.
Cooking squirrel is as easy as cooking a chicken or rabbit. You can fry it, slow-cook it, boil, bake, or even barbeque it. If you’re looking for a recipe, just look up your favorite chicken recipe and substitute a squirrel for the chicken. The largest difference is, of course, portion.
If you’re cooking a chicken, you can usually get one small chicken for a family of four to five. With a squirrel, you need to count on one squirrel per person – think cornish hen.

Where can I hunt

It doesn’t need to be said that if you live in the city or suburbs, the question of hunting rabbits, squirrels, or any small game is a huge NO! But if you live on a farm or an area with acreage, the answer is a little more complex and flexible.
I learned this when I moved from the city and moved into a lovely old farm in Vermont. It had some acreage, and I never thought about anything except peace and quiet – until I moved in. Within hours, I couldn’t keep up with the doorbell – people were asking, “Can I still hunt on your property?”  It wasn’t long before I had to post a “safe zone” around my house to keep both my dog and myself safe.

While hunting in Vermont is how many Vermonters survive the winter and feed their families, there are still rules.

hunter loading a shotgun
hunter loading a shotgun


Therefore if you are considering hunting in your backyard, you need to contact the department of conservation (DNR). They will inform you what animals you can hunt and when and whether you need a permit to hunt on your property. Following these rules and gaining a permit will ensure you a safe, legal hunting adventure. If you fail to follow the correct procedures, in most states, the act is considered a misdemeanor with a high fine in the hundreds of dollars – even at today’s prices, that’s a lot of meat at the grocery.


In asking the question – Can you eat squirrel year round – the answer is yes, you can. Although it’s important to note that hunting squirrels during the warm summer months when parasites such as fleas and ticks are more prevalent can be dangerous.

The only part of a squirrel dangerous to humans is its brains which are linked to a fatal disease, Mad Cow Disease. All in all, squirrels are lean white meat and a good source of protein and other vitamins. If hunting these rodents check with the department of conservation to make sure it is legal in your area.