Wildfire Causes
Between 2011 and 2020, the US averaged 62,805 wildfires impacting approximately 7.5 acres. The number increased in 2020 when 58,950 wildfires burned 10.1 million acres. Nearly 40% of these fires were in California. While only 10 to 15 percent of these wildfires occur from natural causes, such as lightning, the other 85 to 90 percent are due to human negligence – including unattended campfires, fire pits not being correctly put out, cigarettes, and, unfortunately, arson.
There’s no denying you’re making memories while sitting beside a fire pit, telling stories, and roasting marshmallows, and there’s no reason not to continue the tradition. Only with the increasing droughts do you need to be smart.
Before you light that fire pit, ensure there are no red flag warnings for conditions such as droughts and high winds that will set your fire pits into the next big forest fire.
How to safely put out a fire pit
You’ve checked for red flag conditions in your area, cooked your burgers, and now it’s time to put your fire out. Hopefully, you’ve done some planning and left a least an hour for the fire to begin to burn itself out. During this time, be sure not to add any additional wood or fuel to keep it going. Just let it die down naturally. There are several ways to put your fire out safely. You can use one or a combination of them depending on where you are and what you have available.
- Once the fire begins to cool itself, take a stick and move the embers around so that they start cooling. Keeping them together will keep the heat in, just like we huddle together in the cold—the closer the embers, the hotter the fire.
- When you have moved the embers away from each other, use water, making sure you’ve doused the entire surface and all embers are out. The fire should be cool to the touch.
How to put out a fire pit without water
Unfortunately, we don’t always carry enough water to put out a fire when we’re doing long hikes up a mountain. If you don’t, you should –
- Check around the fire’s perimeter to make sure there are no burning embers or heated rocks in the area that may be able to reignite the fire.
- Use sand or dirt to thoroughly saturate the fire pit and surrounding area (even if the fire already appears to be out).
- Use your hand to feel the pit and area around it. The embers should be cool to the touch. If they aren’t, repeat the steps.
Portable Propane Gas Pit
The Camplux Portable Propane Gas Fire Pit
How to Put Out A Fire Pit At Home
There are more and more families using their backyards for entertainment and family fun – and this includes the use of firepits. You can use the same steps above for putting your firepits out; only you may want to look at the manufacturers’ instructions before dousing it with water. Some firepits will rust, and you don’t want your hard earned money wasted.